Monday 19 June 2017

Basic Human Survival Needs

The three basic physiological needs of humans are air, water and food, in that order.  Obviously, if you find yourself under water or in a heavily polluted enclosed area, the first and most urgent need is for air — without it you will die within minutes. Since most survival situations do not involve those scenarios, air is taken for granted here.

Basic Human Survival Needs
While we have other, more important needs, the barenecessities for survival quickly become the most urgent in times of deprivation. In a survival situation, the first three things to secure are:

·         Shelter
·         Water
·         Food

In a situation that includes extreme cold, fire or a heat source must be included in the first step to ensure survival. Once these needs are met, everything necessary for the next level of human survival — needs for sleep, clothing, security, and community, for example — can be addressed.

Shelter both protects from the elements and provides a psychological benefit as well. Humans will quickly die of exposure to the elements in extreme weather, so finding shelter from them is of utmost importance. If a hurricane has destroyed your home, and it’s pouring rain with high winds, seeking shelter is obviously the top priority.

Occasionally, water will be a more urgent first step than shelter, but that will be easily determined during a survival situation — it just depends on the circumstances. Depending on external factors such as heat and humidity levels, you can survive about three days without water. You’ll live for less time without water if you’re wandering in a desert, and more in a cool, sheltered location.

While you can go weeks without food and still live, you will experience many side effects form starvation long before death happens. So don’t push it — store up some freeze dried meals, and learn what wild plants are edible in your area as a backup plan.

There are a number of survival blogs that I follow, however the lost ways by Claude Davis blog seems to be the most appropriate one. There are a number of posts that you can find on the blog to remain updated with the survival guides. 

Visit here to know more about the Lost Ways:

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